Related Sites

Taiwan and Chinese Cultures Sites
The China Television Co. - Get up to date news of Taiwan on line (in Chinese.)
FTV news on line - Get up to date news of Taiwan on line (in Chinese.)
The San Diego's Chinese Community - Chinese holidays, sites and scenes, culinary delights and Chinese resource listing. - is a global Internet media company that operates the world's largest Chinese-language destination site. (In Chinese.)
The Taiwan Center - Web site for Taiwanese-American Foundation, San Diego Taiwanese Cultural Association, Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce and Taiwanese Tennis Association.
The Taiwan Television Co. - Get up to date news of Taiwan on line (in Chinese.)
Welcome to Taiwan - From Taiwan Tourism Bureau in English, Chinese and Japanese. Must see site.
Chinese Recipes Sites
Chinese Home-Style Cooking - This site provides interesting cooking classes to anyone who wants to learn more about Chinese cuisine.
Famous Dishes in Shanghai - Over 150 recipes and some background information.
Kosher Chinese Recipes - Five spice powder, roasted salt and Sichuan peppercorns, sweet and sour sauce, hot mustard sauce, hot chili sauce and ........
La Choy Foodservice
- U.S. food service and restaurant supply company for Chinese and oriental food. provides nutrition information including recipes, preparation suggestions, and special promotions.
New Horizon - New Horizon's On-Line Shopping Outlet for the U.S. region. It provides close to 200 most popular food items on-line for both your convenience and enjoyment. Get an instant taste of Taiwan.
International Recipes Sites - Your turkey headquarters on the Internet and the one place that surfing and stuffing go hand in hand.
Campbell's Soups - Web site for Campbells Soup.
Copykat Recipes - Contains recipes from resturants and products you buy in stores. Includes KFC and Olive Garden recipes.
Food Network - Web site for the popular T.V. cooking shows. The recipes updated daily.
The Internet Chef On-Line Magazine - Monthly Articles, Recipes, Tips & Hints, Something for everyone!
Ketchum Cookbook Recipes - Many recipes, beautifully presented.
The Ring of Fire - A full list of hot and spicy food web sites.
Star Chefs - For gourmet cooks, foodies and the curious. Secret ingredients, anecdotes, tips, and recipes from famous chefs and cookbook authors.
Cool Sites
All Culinary Schoo - A comprehensive database of U.S. culinary schools where users can search for everything from culinary arts to restaurant management by location, degree type or specialty. It is a free resource for all students interested in culinary school.
Epicurean Foods International - Gourmet Food, Corporate Gifts and Gift
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